Anthroposophical Publications

Books on Religion Collection

Rudolf Steiner gave many lectures related to Religion: All Religions! He lectured on the Gospels several times, concentrating on the Gospel of John, and the Apocalypse. Here are some first time in English translation of some religiously-oriented lectures.

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The Foundation Course

by Rudolf Steiner

This book is a First Edition, never before translated into English, series of fifteen lectures. Rudolf Steiner gave these lectures in the Fall of 1921 at Dornach, Switzerland. These lectures and discussions, in which more than one hundred people interested in the questions of a renewal of religious life and work participated, Rudolf Steiner talks about the ways in which religious activity can be fertilized through spiritual knowledge and brought into new forms of worship. The “Documentary Supplements” included in the separate German edition containing reproductions of blackboard drawings is included in this English translation.

These fifteen lectures are a translation from the German edition “Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken,” (Bn/GA/CW Number 343 in the Bibliographical Survey, 1961), published by the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland, 1977. They are published as transcripts unrevised by the lecturer. This First English edition was translated by Hanna von Maltitz, and was edited by James D. Stewart, e.Librarian at the The e.Lib, Inc. Illustrations and artwork were created by Hanna von Maltitz. Thanks to the Basil Gibaud Memorial Trust, this translation has been made available for everyone. The text of both the printed and eBook editions has numerous links to on-line web content that will enhance the reader/researcher in their understanding of the text: search all lectures, read/research the original German texts, compare the English translation to the original German paragraph by paragraph, and explore other related material. You can research Rudolf Steiner's works on-line ... buy the book to read and study at home.

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Retail price: $15.95  

Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum (Volume One)

by Rudolf Steiner

During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the 'Esoteric School' which had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible.

However, the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated into the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons — plus seven 'recapitulation' lessons — for the First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been to develop three classes. The lessons were recorded by a stenographer, then typed in clear text without having been reviewed by Rudolf Steiner. They had not been publicly accessible until recently. This is Volume 1 of 3.

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Retail price: $15.95  

Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum (Volume Two)

by Rudolf Steiner

During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the 'Esoteric School' which had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible.

However, the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated into the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons — plus seven 'recapitulation' lessons — for the First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been to develop three classes. The lessons were recorded by a stenographer, then typed in clear text without having been reviewed by Rudolf Steiner. They had not been publicly accessible until recently. This is Volume 2 of 3.

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Retail price: $15.95  

Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum (Volume Three)

by Rudolf Steiner

During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the 'Esoteric School' which had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible.

However, the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated into the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons — plus seven 'recapitulation' lessons — for the First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been to develop three classes. The lessons were recorded by a stenographer, then typed in clear text without having been reviewed by Rudolf Steiner. They had not been publicly accessible until recently. This is Volume 3 of 3, the Recapitulation lessons.

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This is a new (ad)venture for our initiatives, and comes with an additional financial burden. So, if you can, please help us — and the entire Anthroposophical community and all publishers of anthroposophical works — by purchasing one or more of these fine editions for your personal library. You can always research Steiner's works here and at other sites on the Internet, but you must agree, it is really nice to be able to curl up in your favorite chair to read and study the material at home!


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