Anthroposophical Publications

“All of our Books” Collection

AnthroPubs (because it's easier to say and type) is now publishing “never before translated into English” and other new editions of Rudolf Steiner's works in book form as well as for Kindle and other eBook formats. We are Anthroposophical Publications (AnthroPubs), the publishing initiative and imprint within The e.Lib, Inc. The books are currently available through, Barnes & Noble, Booktopia,, and your favorite local book store (see the links, below). They will soon be available for purchase on our websites. And yes, we are still presenting the on-line versions of almost all of these books, and will continue to do so, free for everyone. We are introducing a new form of book learning and research: the combining of the printed word and our on-line presence and research tools.

Books are presented in the order in which we published them, newest publication at the top. To make things easier, here is an alphabetical list:

  • Anthroposophical Fantasies
  • Anthroposophical Guidelines
  • Art as a Bridge
  • Artemis and the Artemision
  • Coronavirus Pandemic II
  • Esoteric Lessons, Vol 1
  • Esoteric Lessons, Vol 2
  • Esoteric Lessons, Vol 3
  • Fire Borne
  • Fairy Tales
  • Favela Children
  • Foundation Course
  • Herman Grimm
  • Healthy Thinking
  • Impulse for Renewal
  • Journey to the Stars
  • Leonardo
  • Love in the Life of Spies
  • The Magic Mound
  • Raphael's Mission
  • The Roman Catholic Church
  • The Social Question
  • Toward a Threefold Society
  • The Talking Trees

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    Retail price: $16.95  

    The Roman Catholic Church

    by Rudolf Steiner

    In the Spring of 1920 Rudolf Steiner gave three lectures highly critical of the Roman Catholic Church’s political history. The lectures were meant for members of the Anthroposophical Society only, but were soon leaked beyond the Society, resulting in some very bad feelings and even violence in the heavily Catholic Swiss district where Dornach is located. The lectures were transcribed from stenographic notes into German, and are included in a series of seventeen lectures entitled: Heilfaktoren für den Sozialen Organismus (Means for Healing the Social Organism). This book contains English and Spanish translations of these three lectures. Translated by María Teresa Gutiérrez.

    En la primavera de 1920, Rudolf Steiner dio tres conferencias muy críticas sobre la historia política de la Iglesia Católica Romana, dirigidas exclusivamente a los miembros de la Sociedad Antroposófica. Pronto, sin embargo, su contenido se filtró fuera de la Sociedad y causó gran animosidad, e incluso reacciones violentas, en la región predominantemente católica de Suiza en la que se sitúa Dornach. Estas conferencias fueron transcriptas de las notas estenográficas en alemán, y se encuentran incluidas en un ciclo de diecisiete conferencias titulado Heilfaktoren für den Sozialen Organismus (Medios para sanar el organismo social). En el presente libro, aparecen traducidas al inglés y al español. Translated by María Teresa Gutiérrez.


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    Retail price: $16.95  

    Love in the Life of Spies

    by Frank Thomas Smith

    Love in the Life of Spies is, as its title suggests, a love story between two spies during the Cold War, an East German woman and an American man, each working for their respective opposing clandestine agencies and, therefore, against each other. Their meetings, seemingly accidental, unfold over years in the United States, Germany, Argentina, Paraguay and, finally, serve only to reveal an uncertain future. It asks the question: is such a love viable under such complicated and adverse geopolitical circumstances? Or was it meant to be — at least as a possibility — according to karma's blueprint. The answer, although not definitive, is maybe, or even yes involving, strangely enough, Anthroposophy. By Frank Thomas Smith.


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    Retail price: $29.95  

    Fire Borne: Anthroposophy in America

    by Jean W. Yeager

    FIRE BORNE tells the story of the Anthroposophical Society, a small spiritual group inspired by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), and “daughter movements,” like Waldorf Education, Biodynamics, RSF Social Finance, Arts, Camphill Villages, Medical/Therapeutic Centers, Publishers, etc. This book is a timeline, starting in 1886, that shows not only the major and minor happenings within the Anthroposophical Movement, but also what was happening at that same time throughout the World. This timeline, is a richly illustrated history of the results of the work which this small group achieved in fighting the culture wars over its first century in America. This timeline is a richly illustrated history amplified by voluminous end-notes, legal By-laws, and administrative documents from Yeager's own files supporting the results of the work.


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    Retail price: $24.95  

    Healthy Thinking

    by Rudolf Steiner

    “We are thinking of a renewal of the whole scientific and spiritual worldview of the present into the near future.” (Rudolf Steiner in the public lecture of June 10, 1920 in Stuttgart) This quote sums up the essence of these lectures. From GA 335, these ten lectures were translated from the original German by Hanna von Maltitz who also did the front Cover Illustration. This is an English First Edition volume in keeping with our promise to print the “not found in English translation” books to a research on-line and study at home condition.

    This First English edition was translated by Hanna von Maltitz, and was edited by James D. Stewart, e.Librarian at the The e.Lib, Inc. Illustrations and artwork were created by Hanna von Maltitz. Thanks to the Basil Gibaud Memorial Trust, this translation has been made available for everyone. The text of both the printed and eBook editions has numerous links to on-line web content that will enhance the reader/researcher in their understanding of the text: search all lectures, read/research the original German texts, compare the English translation to the original German paragraph by paragraph, and explore other related material. You can research Rudolf Steiner's works on-line ... buy the book to read and study at home.

    Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $16.95  

    Anthroposophical Guidelines

    by Rudolf Steiner

    This volume contains a collection of short essays by Steiner for the members of the Anthroposophical Society. They were written near the end of Steiner’s life and in a way summarize, in highly concentrated form, the whole of anthroposophy. Each essay ends with a short summary of its contents and these are known, in this translation, as the “guidelines.” The guidelines are mantras and can be used quite fruitfully for meditation.

    Frank Thomas Smith provides a new, reinvigorated translation of Rudolf Steiner’s classic, “Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts.” Any serious student of Anthroposophy, in fact, any individual, any citizen of the world, needs to read this book.

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    Retail price: $9.95  

    The Talking Trees / Los Árboles Parlantes

    by Frank Thomas Smith

    Alma and Nico live on opposite ends of a forest near their homes. One day when they are both reading the same book (The Magic Mound) within the forest, but far from each other, the trees suddenly talk to them. They are very surprised to hear trees talk, but the trees explain that they only talk to people who listen. They explain that they heard men talking about cutting down the forest to sell the wood or the land or build things on it. Alma and Nico are alarmed by this news and decide to do something together to prevent it. So they talk to many other children, who decide to join them in their attempt to save the forest. A bi-lingual, English and Spanish, tale for children age 8 on up.

    This English edition was written by Frank Thomas Smith, with illustrations by Celina MacKern. Edited by James D. Stewart. Click on the cover image to buy this book at to read and enjoy at home. The Kindle edition can be found at this URL:


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    Retail price: $16.95  

    Journey to the Stars

    by Frank Thomas Smith

    From a journey through the 12 constellations to a ride with a divine donkey, with surprising intermediate stations, the protagonists of these 12 stories are involved in fascinating adventures that will delight young readers and leave an indelible impression on their minds and on their hearts. For children from 9 years old on up.

    These stories include: A Journey to the Stars, Grandma Butterfly, How the Donkey Got its Cross, The Seventh Birthday, A Sword Fell On the Mountain, Juancito Hummingbird, My Cat is a Magician, The Red-headed Pizza, The Lemonade Sellers, The Mosquito who Bit a Balloon, Sir Gawain and the Dragon, and Lost in the Woods.

    This is the original English edition of Un Viaje a las Estrellas, by Frank Thomas Smith, with illustrations by Celina MacKern. Edited by James D. Stewart.

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    Retail price: $24.95  

    The Foundation Course

    by Rudolf Steiner

    This book is a First Edition, never before translated into English, series of fifteen lectures. Rudolf Steiner gave these lectures in the Fall of 1921 at Dornach, Switzerland. These lectures and discussions, in which more than one hundred people interested in the questions of a renewal of religious life and work participated, Rudolf Steiner talks about the ways in which religious activity can be fertilized through spiritual knowledge and brought into new forms of worship. The “Documentary Supplements” included in the separate German edition containing reproductions of blackboard drawings is included in this English translation.

    These fifteen lectures are a translation from the German edition “Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken,” (Bn/GA/CW Number 343 in the Bibliographical Survey, 1961), published by the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland, 1977. They are published as transcripts unrevised by the lecturer. This First English edition was translated by Hanna von Maltitz, and was edited by James D. Stewart, e.Librarian at the The e.Lib, Inc. Illustrations and artwork were created by Hanna von Maltitz. Thanks to the Basil Gibaud Memorial Trust, this translation has been made available for everyone. The text of both the printed and eBook editions has numerous links to on-line web content that will enhance the reader/researcher in their understanding of the text: search all lectures, read/research the original German texts, compare the English translation to the original German paragraph by paragraph, and explore other related material. You can research Rudolf Steiner's works on-line ... buy the book to read and study at home.

    Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $19.95  

    Favela Children

    by Ute Craemer

    Ute Craemer is an educator and social worker who has dedicated over fifty years of her lifer to teaching and nurturing the poor children of the favelas (slums) in Brazil. As an experienced Waldorf teacher, she has been able to understand the needs of the children and their families and provide them with the spiritual nourishment they cry out for. Favela Children is a moving and informative account of Ute's Craemer's social work in the favelas and of her personal development. Everyone interested in education and social development will want to read this book. It was originally published in German and went through several editions. It is published here for the first time in English.

    Born in 1938 in Germany, Ute Craemer pioneered Associação Comunitária Monte Azul, Alliance for Childhood in Brazil, and co-founded the World Social Initiative Forum. She has worked for many years in the favelas of Brazil. In this book, Ute movingly describes her social work amongst the poorest of the poor in the favelas of Brazil, using “Waldorf””educational methods and the anthroposophical world view.

    Translated, and with an introduction, by Frank Thomas Smith.

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    Retail price: $16.95  

    The Coronavirus Pandemic II: Further Anthroposophical Perspectives

    by Judith von Halle

    From the Foreword:

    “In this book, the main focus is not on the distressing social developments that have arisen as consequence of the coronavirus pandemic – and for good reason: Although there are already (thankfully) many quality descriptions and articles about this complex of problems and questions, at the same time on the other hand a dangerous knowledge-vacuum has arisen. Therefore in this book I will refrain from elaborating on the problems already made widely visible in favor of this knowledge-vacuum, which will be outlined as an addition to what has already been described in Vol. I.

    “Gaining higher knowledge is possible for everyone. But it doesn’t just fall into your lap. One must be prepared to do something for it, and also to leave something. In order to avoid spiritual totalitarianism one must first know something about what spirituality actually means. And acquiring this knowledge, the most selfless acquisition a person can make, is ultimately at the core of this book.”

    This unique English translation is the first time in print for this German book. It is newly translated by Frank Thomas Smith. Edited by James D. Stewart. Permission to publish kindly given by the Verlag für Anthroposophie, Dornach Switzerland. Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $15.95  

    The Magic Mound

    by Frank Thomas Smith

    Sergio and his younger brother, Divino are poor children who live in a favela (slum) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. They go on vacation with their revered teacher, dona Ute (pronounced oo-teh), to the country house of one of Ute’s friends. Once there, they leave the house together to fetch kindling wood. They cross a stream and discover a strange round mound surrounded by white stones. Divino impetuously climbs the mound and convinces his brother to follow. Due to the mound’s magic forces, they fall asleep. They wake up in the land of Maxa. A girl, Mara, leads them through the jungle to her village where they meet the queen, Mamara. She tells them the history of the marvelous juice of immortality, vitaluz. They never grow old or die by drinking vitaluz, but never have children either. Queen Mamara and Princess Mara ask the boys to rescue Mireya, a young girl also from Brazil, who had been kidnapped by King Alaram. The boys agree to try, assisted by Platero, a white donkey as charming as he is stubborn, and a mysterious little man named Tamoshot. The search for Mireya is a dangerous adventure, but also the means of learning many important things about life.

    This is the original English edition of La Lomita Magica, by Frank Thomas Smith, with cover art by Ludmila Garcia San Miguel and artwork for The Magic Mound Map by Maria Sol Varela. Edited by James D. Stewart.

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    Retail price: $12.95  

    Art as a Bridge between the Sensible and the Supersensible

    by Rudolf Steiner

    This lecture was held just over one hundred years ago, in the aftermath of the First World War and the ‘flu pandemic’ of 1917-1919 — a period of far-reaching constraints and widespread human suffering. The correspondence to our own times are hard to ignore. In these circumstances, it is all the more appropriate to bring this lecture to the fore. A lecture given by Rudolf Steiner: from Vergangenheits- und Zukunftsimpulse im sozialen Geschehen. (Past and Future Impulses in Social Life Bn/GA/CW 190. Lecture VI, 30th March 1919 in Dornach, Switzerland.

    This unique English translation is the first time in print for this lecture from GA 190, It is newly translated by Peter Stebbing. Edited by James D. Stewart. Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $14.95  

    Artemis and the Artemision

    by Peter Stebbing

    With the ruins of the Artemis temple almost non-existent today, it is perhaps not surprising that little interest is generally accorded this 6th Wonder of the World. Yet we can still gain an idea of it and of the legendary statue of Artemis, from reconstruction drawings and archaeological finds — supported by literary and historical sources. Study of this important Greek Mystery Center can shed light on the cultural impulses appropriate for our time.

    This unique research by Peter Stebbing is the first time in print, and has several color images to enhance the text. You can click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $15.95  

    Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum (Volume One)

    by Rudolf Steiner

    During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the 'Esoteric School' which had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible.

    However, the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated into the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

    Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons — plus seven 'recapitulation' lessons — for the First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been to develop three classes. The lessons were recorded by a stenographer, then typed in clear text without having been reviewed by Rudolf Steiner. They had not been publicly accessible until recently. This is Volume 1 of 3.

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    Retail price: $15.95  

    Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum (Volume Two)

    by Rudolf Steiner

    During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the 'Esoteric School' which had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible.

    However, the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated into the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

    Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons — plus seven 'recapitulation' lessons — for the First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been to develop three classes. The lessons were recorded by a stenographer, then typed in clear text without having been reviewed by Rudolf Steiner. They had not been publicly accessible until recently. This is Volume 2 of 3.

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    Retail price: $15.95  

    Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum (Volume Three)

    by Rudolf Steiner

    During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the 'Esoteric School' which had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible.

    However, the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated into the Free School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

    Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons — plus seven 'recapitulation' lessons — for the First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been to develop three classes. The lessons were recorded by a stenographer, then typed in clear text without having been reviewed by Rudolf Steiner. They had not been publicly accessible until recently. This is Volume 3 of 3, the Recapitulation lessons.

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    Retail price: $10.95  

    Toward a Threefold Society

    by Rudolf Steiner

    A reinvigorated translation by Frank Thomas Smith of Steiner's “Basic Issues of the Social Question,” number 23 in the Bibliography of 1961. Available at

    This work, written late in the life of Rudolf Steiner, makes use of a threefold analysis of the human individual and of human society. Man as an individual, or in a group, functions basically in three modes: thinking/perceiving, feeling/valuing, and willing/planning/acting. A unit of functioning, whether a part of an individual or part of a society has its proper role. Each role needs a certain respect from other areas if it is to function properly. Each role should be appropriately related to the other two roles or functions. In society, the three partitions are: the cultural-spiritual, the production-economic, and the “sphere of rights” including legal rights. As the analysis unfolds, it may be noticed that there is seldom a “pure case” but there are various mixes with one aspect often predominating. The manner in which the three aspects of society relate to the three aspects of the individual is a fascinating and intricate one, and one which has an important bearing on the future of human society.

    This is not another “utopian” dialog, but a practical suggestion concerning details which may be incorporated into society one at a time ... from time to time. These suggestions are as relevant now as they were when Rudolf Steiner brought them forth over 100 years ago, just after the First World Was. At the end of the book, Steiner writes: “... either people will accommodate their thinking to the requirements of reality, or they will have learned nothing from the calamity and will cause innumerable new ones to occur in the future.” History has since proven these words to be prophetic.

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    Retail price: $14.95  

    The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science

    by Rudolf Steiner

    In content, this translation into English of Rudolf Steiner's lecture on the art historian, author and researcher Herman Grimm, can be said to be a paean to Grimm's wholly original and unorthodox approach to art history. Herman Grimm's work differs substantially from standard, more intellectual approaches, as becomes evident from statements of Herman Grimm quoted here:

    “If, by some miracle, Michelangelo were called from the dead, to live among us again, and if I were to meet him, I would humbly stand aside to let him pass: if Raphael came by, I would follow him, to see whether or not I might have the opportunity of hearing a few words from his lips. With Leonardo and Michelangelo, one can confine oneself to reporting what they once were in their day; with Raphael, one has to start from what he is for us today. Concerning the two others, a slight veil has passed over them, but not over Raphael. He belongs among those whose growth is as yet far from being at an end. We may imagine that Raphael will present ever new riddles to future generations of humanity.”

    This is a lecture, given by Rudolf Steiner, entitled Die Weltanschauung eines Kulturforschers der Gegenwart, Herman Grimm, und die Geistesforschung and contained in the volume Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung (Results of Spiritual Research) GA 62. The series in which this lecture was given at the Architektenhaus in Berlin, may be said to underline its overall importance for Rudolf Steiner: Held January 16th 1913 subsequent to a lecture January 30th on Raphael. Also known as, Herman Grimm, Contemporary Culture and Spiritual Developments, and Anthroposophy.

    This lecture is the fourth in a series of four lectures from GA 62, that are newly translated by Peter Stebbing. Edited by James Stewart. You can research the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $14.95  

    Anthroposophical Fantasies

    by Roberto Fox

    Anthroposophy, also known as Spiritual Science, is not known for fantastic literature, or fiction at all. So how can stories with titles like “Life on Mars,” or “The Girl in the Floppy Hat,” or “To Hunt a Nazi” qualify as anthroposophical. They do not — until now. Therefore, this book is groundbreaking. You may smile at times, even laugh; other stories may cause a lump in your throat, perhaps even a tear or two. Oh, and by the way, fundamentalists are advised not to partake of this fantastical frosting on their anthroposophical cake.Here, then, are thirteen provocative, groundbreaking fictional tales for anthroposophists, and really anyone, to enjoy. By Roberto Fox, as told to Frank Thomas Smith.

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    Retail price: $9.95  

    Fairy Tales: in the Light of Spiritual Investigation and A Mongolian Legend

    by Rudolf Steiner

    From the contents of this lecture: “Fairy tales and sagas are comparable to a good angel, granted human beings as a companion from birth on their life's wanderings, to be a trustworthy comrade throughout — offering comradeship, and making life inwardly into a truly ensouled fairy tale!”

    This is a lecture, given by Rudolf Steiner, entitled Märchendichtungen im Lichte der Geistesforschung, and contained in the volume Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung (Results of Spiritual Research) GA 62. The series in which this lecture was given at the Architektenhaus in Berlin, may be said to underline its overall importance for Rudolf Steiner: held February 6th 1913 subsequent to a lecture January 30th on Raphael, it was followed a week later, on February 13th, by a lecture on Leonardo da Vinci.

    As a bonus, A Mongolian Legend is included. It is from a matinee lecture given by Rudolf Steiner: Mythen und Sagen. Okkulte Zeichen und Symbole (Myths and Legends. Occult Signs and Symbols). From GA 101. Lecture IV, 21st October 1907 in Berlin.

    This lecture is the third in a series of four lectures from GA 62, that are newly translated by Peter Stebbing. Edited by James Stewart. You can research the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $12.95  

    Leonardo's Spiritual Stature

    by Rudolf Steiner

    “The three great masters of the Renaissance [Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael] strove to work in the spirit of that age. And the one who already had a kind of seed, I would say, that grew into everything that has come and is still to come since that time was Leonardo.” - Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, November 1, 1916. A single lecture given by Rudolf Steiner at Berlin on February 13th 1913, translated by Peter Stebbing, and edited by James D. Stewart, the e.Librarian at the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib. It is the eleventh of fourteen lectures in the volume entitled, Results of Spiritual Investigation, published in German as, Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.

    This lecture is the second in a series of four lectures from GA 62, that are newly translated by Peter Stebbing. Edited by James Stewart. Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $9.95  

    The Impulse of Renewal for Culture and Science

    by Rudolf Steiner

    This is a First Edition English translation of a series of seven lectures, entitled The Impulse of Renewal for Culture and Science, and published in German as, Erneuerungs-Impuls fuer Kultur und Wissenschaft (Bn/GA/CW Number 81 in the Bibliographical Survey, 1961). This course was organized by the Federation of Anthroposophical University Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim of the organizers, through lectures by various speakers, to “give an impression of what suggestions in various fields can be given by anthroposophy.” For each course day, Rudolf Steiner gave the introductory lecture. In these lectures, Steiner explains the relationships between Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.

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    Retail price: $6.99  

    Raphael's Mission

    by Rudolf Steiner

    This lecture on Raphael points to an ever greater inwardness or “internalizing” of the human soul in the future development of humanity. Steiner's large-format watercolours can be said to be an unmistakable further expression of this. Though it might seem improbable at first to link Raphael's works so directly with the painting impulse of Rudolf Steiner, separated as they are by four hundred years. An underlying relation becomes apparent, nonetheless, despite the manifest contrast. The Madonnas of Raphael will self-evidently never be surpassed. Yet, the future development of art, always “a daughter of the divine,” implies, in Rudolf Steiner's sense, an ongoing spiritualization. We begin to recognize Raphael's relevance for today and for the future. A lecture given by Rudolf Steiner: from Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung. (Some Results of Spiritual Research). Bn/GA/CW 62. Lecture IX, 30th January 1913 in Berlin.

    This unique English translation is the first in a series of four lectures from GA 62, that are newly translated by Peter Stebbing. Edited by James Stewart.

    Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.


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    Retail price: $9.95  

    The Social Question

    by Rudolf Steiner

    This book is a First Edition, never before translated into English, series of six lectures. Rudolf Steiner gave these lectures early in the year of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner proffers ideas to solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the basis of a new scientific order, and what the role of the modern worker should be.These six lectures are a translation from the German edition "Die soziale Frage," (Bn/GA/CW Number 328 in the Bibliographical Survey, 1961), published by the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland, 1977. They are published as transcripts unrevised by the lecturer. This First English edition was translated by Hanna von Maltitz, and was edited by James D. Stewart, e.Librarian at the "Rudolf Steiner Archive & e.Lib."Illustrations and artwork were created by Hanna von Maltitz. Thanks to the Basil Gibaud Memorial Trust, this translation has been made available for everyone. The text of both the printed and eBook editions has numerous links to on-line web content that will enhance the reader/researcher in their understanding of the text: search all lectures, read/research the original German texts, compare the English translation to the original German paragraph by paragraph, and explore other related material. You can research Rudolf Steiner's works on-line ... buy the book to read and study at home.

    Visit the on-line version of this book by clicking here. Or, click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.



    This is a new (ad)venture for our initiatives, and comes with an additional financial burden. So, if you can, please help us — and the entire Anthroposophical community and all publishers of anthroposophical works — by purchasing one or more of these fine editions for your personal library. You can always research Steiner's works here and at other sites on the Internet, but you must agree, it is really nice to be able to curl up in your favorite chair to read and study the material at home!


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