Anthroposophical Publications

Book Translators Collection

“And English is a universal world language, and will become so more and more.” Rudolf Steiner said this in a lecture given on August 12th 1924 (from The Kingdom of Childhood lecture series). It's the translators that recreate Steiner's words and ideas from the original German to English. There are many wonderful translators out in the world, and we have some of the best! These are all new translations, so please check them out.

Frank Thomas Smith: An American expatriot living on a mountain in Argentina, Frank has done quite a bit of translating and creative writing. He is the founder and editor of the Southern Cross Review, an e.Zine that has been on-line since 1999. And not only translations, but Frank has some original stories that we've published, also!


Peter Stebbing: An excellent translator and investigator, it has been a pleasure working with Peter, and there is more to come! He has said, "the best German to English translators are those who have English as their native language." And that is evident in Peter's translations. He has also shared his investigative research on the site at Ephesus with his book, Artemis and the Artemision. His books are a fine addition to anyone's Library!


Hanna von Maltitz: Another fine translator, Hanna is in South Africa in her studio where she creates beautiful works of Art. She is not only a translator, but a very fine, award winning artist who has had several single artist showings. You can read her translations here, and admire her artistry at the Fine Art Presentations site.


Nesta Carsten: Ernesta Carsten-Krüger was born and grew up in South Africa. In her early twenties, she attended a course for Waldorf education. It was like lightning struck when she first met the educational principles that flowed out of this pedagogy, and of course, Anthroposophy.



This is a new (ad)venture for our initiatives, and comes with an additional financial burden. So, if you can, please help us — and the entire Anthroposophical community and all publishers of anthroposophical works — by purchasing one or more of these fine editions for your personal library. You can always research Steiner's works here and at other sites on the Internet, but you must agree, it is really nice to be able to curl up in your favorite chair to read and study the material at home!


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